Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Comments that stuck

The plans of the heart belong to man,
But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
~Proverbs 16:1~

Recently I've been thinking about my cousin, Danny who lives in Singapore. We're really not close but I thought it funny how he has impacted my life with 2 separate comments on 2 separate events.

The first was the trip to Singapore after my form 5 exams. I was figuring what career to pursue then. I was contemplating about studying interior designing, however after his advice, I threw that idea out of my head and settled to do civil engineering instead.

The second was the trip recently when out of the blues he asked me if I still blogged. Told him no and he said, "You should continue blogging." That - was totally random.

Though I could never really contemplate why these 2 comments stuck with me. I suspect it's God's way of reaching out to me - the first one to divert my career option and the second to give a me a kick at the back to get back to blogging. Quite cool how He does it eh? Using the people we least expect to influence us.

How about you? Has God used others to direct your paths?